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A Perfect Launch Party and a GREAT God

Writer's picture: nikifloricanikiflorica

No matter how many times God proves His goodness, I always seem to need reminding. After a year of this publishing adventure—of cover revisions, text revisions, baptism-by-fire marketing efforts, new blogs, publishing contracts, so on and so forth—God has proven time and time again that He is faithful, good, and in control. I have been through so much in this year and seen so many miracles; it is true when James says that the trying of our faith is God's way of building our strength.

Today, at The Heir of Ariad Book Launch, God proved Himself yet again. I had been dreading the event since its earliest stages—(for those of you who know me, this will not be a surprise). Social situations, crowds, speeches, and generally being the centre of attention is not exactly an introvert's happy place, and I was, admittedly, terrified.

The closer the event drew, the more my misgivings intensified. But I should have known that God, as always, would work a miracle to reinforce my oh-so-fragile faith!

This day was INCREDIBLE. Such an enormous blessing. My fears proved groundless, the space was absolutely beautiful, and the love and support of so many wonderful people was a truly priceless encouragement. I am so blessed to have such a fabulous network of friends, family, and supporters behind me, but more than that, I'm blessed to serve such a powerful, miraculous, AWESOME GOD.

Huge thanks to all my faithful Kyrian Crew members who came out to celebrate The Heir of Ariad. Every one of you has played a part in making this day a blessing, and I'll be thanking the Lord for all of you as I praise His name tonight!



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