I have lots of hopes and dreams for the year 2020, many of them (or rather, most of them) pertaining to The Heir of Ariad, The Ariad Series, or bookishness in general. At the top of that list until days ago was a very simple desire: to see The Heir in at least one physical, authentic bookstore, Lordwilling.

The Heir of Ariad is, as I type, a proud resident of The Bookshelf store in downtown Guelph. I popped in for a visit today and was just so delighted to see this long-time dream come to life before me in such an inspiring establishment.
Bookstores in general are fantastic, but The Bookshelf is a cut above—friendly, classy, creative, a master of multi-tasking (serving as a store, bistro, and cinema), and best of all, full of books!
41 Quebec St., Guelph, Ontario
It's a small step in a long journey, but God has used this exciting blessing to encourage me beyond words. And with this well-timed burst of creative inspiration, I'll just get to work on book two . . .
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